Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed last year. Improve this question I am using Composer version 2.0.8, with Docker. When I use the command composer outdated -f json inside a composer project, the field “latest”, giving the
Tag: docker-compose
Container cannot see the prebuilt vendor folder in it
My project is throwing the next error after restarting the docker container: Warning: require(/var/www/ /var/www/ /vendor/composer/./symfony/polyfill-php80/bootstrap.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in ‘vendor/composer/autoload_real.php line 71 My Dockerfile: My docker-compose: Inside container run ls vendor/symfony before restarting the container: And after: The error is solving if remove the vendor directory and run composer install. I’m not a
Unable to start docker-compose
I’m trying to configure sendy to run on docker-compose. I’m getting this error when running docker-compose up error docker-compose.yml Answer In the directory where that docker-compose file exists, is there a Dockerfile specifically called “Dockerfile”? Under your sendy service, you have the context as the current directory, but no Dockerfile specified. By default, it will look for a file called
Docker Compose: Set variable in php.ini from Dockerfile
I have a small Docker network based on this package for Docker Compose and Laravel. I’d like to set the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size variables in php.ini to allow for larger file uploads. Is …
dockerfile: `composer install –no-dev installs dev-dependencies, then deletes them straight away after
My docker-compose setup does (I think) some wierd things. I am installing from this composer.json: { “require-dev”: { “phpunit/phpunit”:”~9.0″, “squizlabs/php_codesniffer”: “~3….
Docker image pushing but my volume not persist
This message to clear up a problem I am having with the use of docker with my php application. Indeed, I execute locally my dockers images (nginx, phpmyadmin and php with my application) and …
docker-compose: cannot access to phpMyAdmin from my LEMP stack
I just created a LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MariaDB, PHP-FPM) with docker and docker-compose. But somehow, I cannot access to my database trough phpMyAdmin. When I’m trying to reach the phpMyAdmin web-…
Docker is always loading the wrong PHP version that I have setup in Dockerfile
I am currently learning Docker for a project and got a configuration to start on my PHP website that I intend to change. The problem is that even when I set up different versions in Dockerfile I get …
Dockerfile FROM vs Docker-compose IMAGE
I am currently in the process of learning Docker. After reading the docs and a few articles I obviously have more questions than answers. Most intriguing one for me at the moment is: what is the difference between In Dockerfile and In docker-compose.yml I do understand that they should grab the image and create a container from it. What I
Can’t connect to database in docker-compose
This is my docker-compose.yaml The problem is that php container can’t connect to mysql. Although from host I can connect with mycli -h -P 3306 -u root. But when I exec in php container and try it, get ‘Connection refused’ Answer Your mysql service binds mysql server’s port 3306 to 3306 of the host machine. Thus is it normal