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Tag: command-line

“php bin/console server:run” immediately followed by “composer require symfony/mailer” whenever it is run

I’m working on a Symfony project and would like to know why whenever I run the following command in terminal php bin/console server:run it would be immediately followed by this one composer require symfony/mailer. This is a screenshot of terminal: Moreover, this is what I get as an output on You can notice that the command text “composer require

Running PHP commands gives Xdebug errors

I’m currently getting some weird error messages whenever I run which php or php –ini: I currently have 4 php versions in my /usr/local/etc/php folders: currently using php7.3 as my default php version. I’m planning to remove older php versions if that doesn’t cause much trouble. Can someone explain why such error is happening, and possible solutions to get rid

Problems with installing composer

I am currently trying to install composer in order to install laravel. Following their website instructions, I am entering the following code into my terminal: But without success, I get the following error: This gives me the notion that I do not have permission to do this, is this the reason and why is it occurring? Answer While I was

How can I parse command line arguments in PHP?

I call a PHP script from command line $ php my_script.php –num1=124 –first_name=don How can I get access to any key value pairs passed into this script? The keys can be arbitrary, so using getopt() with particular values will not work. Here is what I want access to in my script: If I use var_dump($argv), I get this output: Should

Symfony2 generate controller inside custom folder

Symfony2 has a command for generating controllers Command’s default behavior is to generate the given controller inside controller folder within the bundle. Is it possible to customize the folder where the controller will be generated ( controller/backend for example ) ? Answer You can get all the available options of this command with the help command: No you can’t
