I have an ajax call from javascript to a method in a controller, the method in the controller should be loading a view(like, show a new page on the screen), Although everything seems ok, the new view doesn’t seem to load on the screen. I cannot use header or windows.location because, i am passing an array variable, containing data to
Tag: codeigniter
Codeigniter: SMTP mail not working
I’m trying to set up a contact form, and I’m struggling to get it working with the SMTP configuration in CI. However I’ve successfully tried with the basic ‘mail’ config. To cut it short, I’m doing …
How to load a controller from another controller in codeigniter?
I want to load a controller from a function in another controller because the library I integrated to my project I don’t want to load it to the controller because I want to keep it clean and related. I tried using modules but I still had to put controller in the url like http://example.com/maincontroller/function http://example.com/othercontroller/function I have default controller so
Form validation rules for regex_match
I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong with this validation rule because its saying this error. Validation rule: Error: Severity: Warning Message: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash Answer First, you need to fix your pattern. Your pattern right now is a-z0-9 It needs to have a delimiter enclosing it, so something like /a-z0-9/ (If
get the input box ‘name’ using javascript
I am making form in PHP and submitting using javascript. I want to get the name of input box, As normal coding gives the value of the input box, but i need to get name of input box. Without onclick functionality on it. Can it possible that retrieving the name of input box in other javascript function on click a
codeigniter flatten array of query result
I’m using a query in Codeigniter to return the ids of all the rows that belong to a user. This returns Is it possible to return a flat array like ? Answer The CodeIgniter documentation (most particularly, query results) doesn’t list anything that will produce a flat array result (like the PDO::FETCH_COLUMN mode provided for PDOStatement::fetchAll). As such, array results
Perfect way to encrypt & decrypt password, files in PHP?
I did a series of research on this topic, but unfortunately I couldn’t find a perfect way to encrypt and decrypt files in PHP. Which mean what I’m trying to do is find some way to encrypt & decrypt my items without worry of cracker knew my algorithm. If some algorithm that need to secrete & hide, it can’t solve
Unable to access an error message corresponding to your field name
I have a callback function that check_captcha which sees if $row is ==0 or == 1 (this information is queried from sql). The problem is that I can not call it from $self->form_validation->set_rule(‘captcha’, ‘call_back_check_captcha’) due to the fact that my function takes in a $row var. The way I’m calling it now I get a Unable to access error message.
PHP multipart form data PUT request?
I’m writing a RESTful API. I’m having trouble with uploading images using the different verbs. Consider: I have an object which can be created/modified/deleted/viewed via a post/put/delete/get request to a URL. The request is multi part form when there is a file to upload, or application/xml when there’s just text to process. To handle the image uploads which are associated
Codeigniter empty $_POST & $_FILES
I’m using Plupload to manage file uploads for my site. When I configure Plupload to post to the following test file, the records are shown correctly, however when I post to a CI controller, both $…