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Tag: authentication

How do we implement custom API-only authentication in Laravel

This isn’t a question so much in need of an answer, but further suggestions and answers and recommendations are welcome. I want to share with the world how I resolved this issue and hope it helps others. Laravel comes with several pre-designed authentication solutions that you can spin up with a few artisan commands. These include: standard users table authentication

Roles and permissions in php

I am making a menu, but I want to limit it to only some users with a specific permission can see it. the query: SELECT idpermission,userid FROM user_permissions WHERE userid = “U001” Result: User …

Laravel class not being found in a model

I am trying to get my project to use authorization roles to restrict users to certain featuers and I am following along with a tutorial. When I make a call to a class in my user.php file I am getting an error that the class AppRole can’t be found. I am not sure if it is a namespace issue but

Class AppHttpControllersManagerLoginController does not exist

I have been making a custom multi-auth and got the following error: Class AppHttpControllersManagerLoginController does not exist I have been searching for this error but couldn’t find the solution. I have attached the screenshot from my controller in the directory. ManagerLoginController.php web.php Answer Since ManagerController is not in root Controllers you need to specify namespace in your routes. It is
