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Tag: authentication

How do i use conditional parameters in Laravel Auth::attempt?

Using Laravel 4.1.30 I got this following code which test a sign-in attempt via Auth. I like to implement a conditional value such as: I am using the active (field) as a level of authentication for users signing in. Anything above 0 (zero) should satisfy the next condition. How can it be done in one statement? Answer tl;dr You can’t

Can’t connect LDAP server – issue in ldap_bind();

I am tried to implement a LDAP authentication in my web application developed in ZF2. LDAP authentication is working fine in Windows 7. But, after moving the application to LINUX machine, LDAP authentication is not working. I am always getting the error as : Warning: ldap_bind(): Unable to bind to server: Can’t contact LDAP server in LdapConnect.php on line 20

PHP Multiple Username & Passwords

So, this is probably the simplest question I could ever possibly ask.. Though it is driving me insane. In my login system, I have it set up to read the username and password from a standalone file “users.php” inside it contains I can not, for the life of me figure out how to make it read multiple usernames and passwords.

Login redirect Issue in post comment area in PHP

If someone wishes to comment on any item e.g. and article or forum item, etc. on my site. It prompts them to login/create account. Is it possible to make sure that when the client logs in it takes them back to the comment they wanted to make? But now it’s going not like this flow. The user not logging in

how to integrate fFacebook login with your website?

I made some research and i can’t seem to completely understand how to integrate Facebook login with your website. I’m trying to do this for an old fashioned PHP shop that, up till now, doesn’t use any type of login, but only a session that allows users to browse across pages and add items to cart. I read here, on
