the app is used to sign up for events. Now I am unable to display more then one card in the recycler view even though there is data in the only would display only the first row of data. I know this as I have deleted the first row and the app shows the new first row. The php
Tag: android
Fetch data directly from php to flutter
I’m currently working on a Flutter project with php mysql as the backend. Is there anyway that I could possibly fetch data directly from php file? I’m so clueless. For example, how do I fetch $dept from php file below and display it in a widget or store the data in Flutter: Future _saveCheckIn() Thanks in advance. Answer You can
File uploading with php: problem with $_POST[‘filename’]
I want to upload files from my Android app to my php server (through a https upload URL) Here is my php code : The content of $_FILES[‘uploaded_file’] is: So everything seems ok as I get the name of my file and its correct size. But when I log $_POST[‘filename’], I get a null string. How is that possible ?
Android app communication with local apache server
I am new to Android dev, I have started using Android Studio with Kotlin few days. I run into an issue today which is : how can my app communicate with my local server (XAMPP : Apache and MYSQL) I am running Windows 10, and using my real physical phone instead of the emulator (API 30) since the emulator works
RecyclerView Update Single Item’s Child
My Recyclerview list is as in the picture. I want to update the child (example: just the ‘Like’ part) of a single item in my list. I did some research on the subject. I can update the whole item. However, what I need is to update one child of the item. I need code snippet on this. I’m new here,
whats is the best/fastest way to upload images from android to mysql?
whats is the best/fastest way to upload images from android to mysql? the problem that im having that uploading images encoded in base46 that it takes almost 10sec and after 3 or 4 uploads using bitmap the app crashes sometimes because bitmap other because of the encoded images on old android phone.. right now im using ION but i guess
Is there any way to get the id of “Android WebView” app?
I use this php code to check if the user open my website from a Webview or from a browser and i want to get the id of “Android App WebView” apk which is on the playstore but i don’t find it and i also want the id of “Google Chrome” apk. Id example: “com.facebook.orca”. Answer note that a package
“Value <br of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject" – Android Studio
So I am using Android Studio (Java), and I have to communicate with a website that I made using Apache (xampp). I put in a json object 3 variables. Two of them are strings and the other is a signature I made using the code on the website – The error “Value <br of type java.lang. String cannot be
The argument type ‘String’ can’t be assigned to the parameter type ‘Uri’. Flutter
I’m having a trouble, why I’m getting this error in my app flutter main.dart I just follow this reference link. It would be great if anybody could figure out, thank you so much in advance!. Here’s …
RecyclerView only shown on minimized [closed]
I use retrofit to get data from PHP(localhost) as JSON and display it with recycler view. My problem is my data never show whenever I go fullscreen(Image 1) and goes normal whenever I minimized the …