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Tag: amazon-web-services

AWS IOT: Get Thing connection status

I currently have a bunch or things registered in the AWS IOT console. i am building a web-page that will list things and display attributes from each things shadow. i am struggling to understand how do i know if a thing is currently online in (near) real time. I am retrieving the things using the PHP SDK I am displaying

WebSockets – send json data via php

I’m trying to send a fire-and-forget request from PHP to my websocket aws api gateway. I’ve set up an action called “sendmessage”. This is the code I’m using: However, nothing happens. If I use wscat, like: it works just fine. What am I doing wrong in my php code? Note: I need the socket connection to be persistent (the way

Laravel 5.6 aws cloudwatch log

Upgraded laravel from 5.4 to 5.6. Laravel removed $app->configureMonologUsing since version 5.6 the tutorial from aws not applicable anymore. anyone can advise me where to migrate the logic inside $app->configureMonologUsing ? thanks Answer Install the latest version of CloudWatch handler library with: You can add a custom channel in config/logging.php like: and a factory class App/Logging/CloudWatchLoggerFactory.php as:

How do I upload a gzip object to s3?

I am creating a gzip string and uploading it as an object to s3. However when I download the same file from s3 and decompress it locally with gunzip I get this error: gunzip: 111.gz: not in gzip format When I look at the mime_content_type returned in the file downloaded from s3 it is set as: application/zlib Here is the
