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How do I display a row once inside a looped rows using php?

I have a problem on displaying a row once inside a looped rows using PHP. Here is the exact code that I have: Figure 1 ` ` This line have a row containing a label “Material” from this photo This Materials should not repeat on the looped contents. On this code below based on figure 1 above this post This

Laravel Nova – Reorder left navigation menu items

In default the ordering of left menu items is in alphabetical order. My client wants to order those menus manually. Any idea how to make it possible? Go to answer Answer There are two ways to achieve this: By setting priority to Resource Ordering Resource models in NovaServiceProvider 1. Priority Method Add priority as in the following code in Resource

Jwt Authentication error Argument 3 passed to LcobucciJWTSignerHmac::doVerify()

I’m working on a project to learn laravel, I saw a couple of tutorials to use jwt auth in this. It was working good but now is show an error not always but I don’t know why. this is it: Argument 3 passed to LcobucciJWTSignerHmac::doVerify() must be an instance of LcobucciJWTSignerKey, null given, called in C:xampphtdocsinmobiliariavendorlcobuccijwtsrcSignerBaseSigner.php on line 42 Sometimes

How to print table data in Laravel 5.6?

in My Larvel 5.6 app I am working with mysql db. and in my application I have vehicle table with following columns, vehicles, and I am going to group all models of the table and printing here as My controller, my printing blade file is this, it is printing well as now I need print in-front of model name there

using PHP’s null coalescing operator on an array

I am using PHP’s null coalescing operator described by I noticed the following doesn’t produce my expected results which was to add a new phone index to $params whose value is “default”. Why not? Answer You don’t add anything to params. Your given code simply generates an unused return value: Thus, you will still have to set it:
