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convert sqlite data to json using php

I’m trying to convert sqlite query into json. I have the following table with two columns name and age. When I print the query the format doesn’t seem to be correct. why am I getting an extra key value pair? output desired output Answer Change query to get only those column which are required: And then use SQLITE3_ASSOC Reference:- SQLite3Result::fetchArray

Change “Read More” text in WordPress Divi theme

I’m creating a page using the Divi theme in my Wordpress site. I want to change the “read more” text in my posts to “Read Article ->”. I tried to use a tutorial from the elegant themes blog but it …

Magento: Class ‘DOMDocument’ not found

I’m installing Magento on Amazons AWS Lightsail system. I’ve installed NGINX, MySQL & PHP But I keep getting this error: Installed modules: PHP Info Available: Answer You need to install the php-dom and php-xml packages, however it looks like from you PHP info. that you have done so. If you are on Debian or Ubuntu you can make sure

Explain Eloquent morphMany parameters

I am new to laravel, can someone explain to me the parameters of morphMany: Answer The MorphMany relationship has the following function signature: Where: $related (required): refers to the related model. e.g: User::class. $name (required): the name of the polymorphic relation, like commentable. $type (optional): customize the {relation}_type field to look up when doing a query. $id (optional): customize the

PHP mkdir():Permission denied

I have a simple PHP/HTML/CSS app that creates a folder for newly registered users. It worked great on my test site, and not that I am ready to “go live” I get the “mkdir(): Permission denied” error. As far as I know, all settings are the same on both sites and the file permission for the root and uploads folder
