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WordPress Plugin JS remove version

Hello I want to include my js file without adding ?ver=x.x.x to it I tried all the solutions but nothing help me to get the success Here is my Code I am trying to add add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, …

“start_batch was called incorrectly” on gRPC unary call

I make an unary call from PHP code like that: Sometimes I get the LogicException with message “start_batch was called incorrectly”. Any thoughts how to deal with that exception and what is the root cause? Answer After some investigation I found out that the problem occurs because of reusing the instance of GrpcUnaryCall in retries. You must not do that

Add an email attachment to WooCommerce notifications based on product category

For some of my product I need to send an additional pdf (not an invoice) to my customers. With the help of this post: I was able to attach an attachment to every order confirmation email. Then I tried to change the code to filter by product sku. In this post I found some infos about the variables that

check through second column by first column id

I have 2 columns under sales table in SQL as below id itemid 1 31 1 32 1 33 1 34 I need through the PHP to check by the id, if the $_SESSION[‘id’] has any item number in the second column then …
