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Tag: grpc

“start_batch was called incorrectly” on gRPC unary call

I make an unary call from PHP code like that: Sometimes I get the LogicException with message “start_batch was called incorrectly”. Any thoughts how to deal with that exception and what is the root cause? Answer After some investigation I found out that the problem occurs because of reusing the instance of GrpcUnaryCall in retries. You must not do that

gRPC extension not installed in the right PHP version in Ubuntu 18.04

I’m trying to install gRPC extension following the official guidance I’ve followed all the steps, but on these final steps, I get this (which I think will matter later) Installing shared extensions: /usr/lib/php/20190902/ Here, I checked that folder and found the file. At this point, I expected to have the extension installed, I’ve added within php.ini (apache2 and
