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PHP Unicode to character conversion

I receive country names like from a library: “u00c3u0096sterreich”. How do I convert this to Österreich? Using PHP 7.3 Answer This one is a lot trickier than it seem, but the below code appears to work. First we pipe it through the standard regex for Unicode escape sequences, then pack that as a binary string, convert the encoding and finally

Get closest city from array

I would like to create a function that returns the closest city (and the remaining distance to the city) from an array. The numbers in the array represent the distance from the Starting point. $…

Eloquent Count nested relationships

| Data | DataChildren | Category ———————————- | id | id | id | name | data_id | name | | category_id | | | name |…

RUN API inside SQL database upload

I have an API to do an action for a site. The API works and does what it needs to be done. The API information is populated from a form I have. the form also needs to upload information to MYSQL database using SQL I have the following SQL The above works as the header runs the API, but once

Array to string conversion when calling array

i want to send data array using curl. $email = $_SESSION[‘useremail’]; $exam_code = $this->input->post(‘exam_code’); $bank_question = [‘3343’, ‘3345’, ‘3333’]; $…

SVG sprite file – is it necessary for it to have “.svg” extension, or is php/nothing ok so long as the content type header is set correctly?

I have a PHP script that generates my SVG sprite on the fly. Naturally that file ends in .php, not .svg. I’m setting the Content-type at the top of the script with header(‘Content-type: image/svg+xml’); I have nginx set up in such a way that php extensions are optional, so I can now reference my svg icons with: <use href=”/icons#svg-save-icon” xlink:href=”/icons#svg-save-icon”

How to use Javascript or CSS files installed by Composer?

How do I actually use the frontend files that Composer installs? Specifically JavaScript. I’ve been able to use a PHP file previously, but JavaScript files are breaking my brain… I’ve installed Composer and used it to install a package (Handlebars, specifically). Everything looks like it should. I’ve got a handlebars folder in my vendor folder and it created a “components”
