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Extracting data in php [closed]

I have a text here TK 8600xxxx8888|GD: -250,000VND 28/01/21 18:41|SD:50,035VND|ND: Ck – Ma giao dich/ Trace 521298 -52210000086554 How can I put all that data in the database? Ex: TK = 8600xxxx8888;…

Upload, resize and send images to server with javascript

After struggling with this issue for 2 days, reading a lot of material online, here I am begging for your help. I’m trying to resize some images uploaded via FileReader, resize with canvas and send to my server with php. Everything works as expected, except when I try to upload multiple files. The script loads only the last image, despite

Saving command logger output to log file and console

I wrote a very simple test command which has LoggerInterface injected in its constructor. How am I suppose to change the monolog.yaml configuration to save this logger output to both log file and to output it to console? Answer The commands will always stderr by default (if you specify the -vvv option) If you need to write the logs in

Convert each array value into json using php

I have a PHP code that dumps following array: array(4) { [0]=> string(79) “ ” [1]=> string(79) “…

Combining multiple queries into an output

With a feedback survey they can select bad, neutral or good. I want to compile the bad and good into a table. I am trying to create a tally “table” output from an ajax request to replace a …

PHP inserting value only once

I am trying to add categories in a database. Things is the script is reading the categories from a product list, therefore there are duplicate values as it’d be like reading PRODUCT NAME – DETAIL 1 – DETAIL 2 – CATEGORY Rinse and repeat. I have my code down and the insert works but it stops at the first product’s

this keyword inside slim framework closure

recently i started to learn API in PHP, i start to learning basic stuffs related to API then i decided to learn a framework and i choose slim microframework so i was reading the Dependency Container …
