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UTF8 Encoded messages broken charecter on php smpp sms sending

Hi am using php smpp sms sending package to work on socket sms sending. I am sending with $encodedMessage = GsmEncoder::utf8_to_gsm0338($message); UPDATE But the sms is receiving with broken character.I am sending in myn language and also tried as suggested But now half broken half proper message is sending. I think some encoded needed ??? Answer This is special language

How to overwrite a html-element but keep the rest of a block?

I am extending a twig-template where i want to replace the line with Twig-template I tried to overwrite the layout_main_navigation by copying everything and changing the class of the div. But i am not happy with that solution as i have to copy and overwrite a lot blocks. How can i achieve replacing the class of the div and overwrite

Check with PHP if a file is encrypted

I have a form that uploads a file via PHP to my server. For security I analyze these files with ClamAV, however, encrypted files (eg.: zip with password, pdf with password) cannot be analyzed. I tried via fopen to see if there was any error reading the file, but it reads the file normally, displaying the encrypted content without triggering

PHP Regex: Remove words not equal exactly 3 characters

An excellent “very close” answer at Remove words less than 3 chars with DEMO where Regex removes all words less than 3 chars. But how to reset this demo vise versa ? to remove all words NOT EXACTLY EQUAL 3 chars ? We can catch word where exactly 3 chars by but how to tell regex – remove all other

PHP OpenSSL encrypt with DES-ECB algorithm unexpected output

I’ve tried to encrypt the value with DES-ECB via PHP 7.4 (Laravel) and OpenSSL, and I try the online tool to encrypt value, the result was the expected. key: 96187BBAB2BD19ACF899B74FB4E37972 Input Data: F01DCCE40F8C365ADE0A7DC03BC11DDE The encrypted data is 355A627E977D8ECF4953C98D801E472F on online tool. When the next code written in PHP I can’t replicate the result: Is there a way to

.htaccess remove URL path segments that are causing an Internal Server Error

The following .htaccess Rewrite below seems working fine if the URL is something like: However, if the URLs have more parameters, something like: (URLs from another version of the website) I will get a 500 Internal Server Error. How I can make it redirect to the related post instead of 500 Internal Server Error? Answer if the URLs

how to run to foreach loops for single select tag laravel?

I want to show previously selected options as selected, I have two data sets. blocks that are JSON encoded in a column with country codes. countries list from the country table I want to compare both and want to show countries selected that are present in users blocked colmn JSON encoded Answer Thanks to @gert-b

PDFlib PHP place images next to each other

I have multiple Images coming from an array (could be 3, could be 10) and I want to place them next to each other and if they don’t fit anymore, place them in a new line. I have written a foreach statement and I got it to work, so that they place into a new line if they don’t fit

Can’t do PHP Artisan Migrate with SQLSTATE [42000]

I just want to PHP Artisan Migrate, I’ve just completed my table on migration but have error I’ve checked my completion that there is no error or any miss spelling I’ve not added nullable because all column have to fill I’m using Laravel 8.6 and on Windows with XAMPP and MariaDB Answer The foreignId method creates an UNSIGNED BIGINT equivalent
