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SQL query to update item quantity using PHP PDO

Good morning everyone I am trying to update the table with the new quantity selected, when I run the following function, however, I get this error: Function to update the quantity, function_products.php: product_update_process.php What could be the issue here? Thanks for your assistance. Answer To add to @TangentiallyPerpendicular’s comment, why are you binding to :orderedQuantity? This variable is not being

Laravel Redirect from Helper Class

I’m trying to redirect to an external URL from a helper class. Here’s my controller: Here’s my helper class used in the controller: Why is the redirect() not working inside my_function()? Do I need to include some Laravel classes using the PHP “use” statement? Answer You can add send method and it will work.

htaccess – Deny access to pdf files in folders

The goal is to restrict direct browser access to all *.pdf various subfolders within a main folder. The subfolder names in which each pdf file reside are numeric only (characters 0-9; Eg. “work/books/112/myfile.pdf”) What I have so far is: RewriteRule ^work/books/([0-9]+)/.pdf)$ [F,L,NC] Where ‘books’ is my main folder and then whatever numeric folders in which pdf files reside, there are.

cakePHP use of I18 Time addMinutes function updates every related variable, not just the current instance

I’ve been trying to set start times for different flights of competitors. The addMinutes function seems to update every variable associated with the “ONE” I’m trying to alter. Is this the expected result, or am I missing something really simple? Thanks for your assistance, srcControllerTestsController.php (line 89) ‘BTIME: 9/14/21, 6:09 PM USETIME: 9/14/21, 6:09 PM’ ‘ MYTIME: 9/14/21, 6:24 PM

Symfony 5 using the validation to validate a new entity

I’m using Symfony 5.3.7, and using the @Assert annotations, attempting to validate a new user upon registering. Trying to understand the docs however not getting anywhere. Ideally I’d like to be able to understand how to validate an entity using these annotations. I’ve tried using a separate class, and got nowhere with understanding, although I do want to go down

Token expiration doesn’t working – Sanctum, Laravel

What I did: I added token expiration to application that has login system, by changed null to 1 minute expiration in sanctum.php file: Problem: It doesn’t work, the app still accept authorized requests all the time. Nothing has changed. Code: Create token (login): Verify token: Delete token (log out): Answer You might need to clear your config cache. Try to

Symfony 3.4 – cannot load field value

I’m using Symfony 3.4.47 w/ MySQL 8 and getting a field value wasn’t a big thing until today. I’ve created a migration file to add a new field to an existing entity: And I’ve added the field ‘cliente_apelido’, getter and setter to the ‘Plano.php’ model: It turns that, when I’m trying to use the getClienteapelido() getter, it returns an empty

server side data validation with nesting

I cannot figure out why my nesting here is not working. Whenever I run this it goes straight to ‘Incorrect password’ (with all the fields blank) even though the condition about string length that proceeds it, is false. A reading of ‘Email and password are required’ is what I want to happen first. THEN if the email doesn’t contain an

PHP Echo ipv4 and Ipv6

How Do I make it so my script echo’s both IPv4 And IPv6, but if 1 of them is not detected it will say ”Not Detected”. Answer There’s only one address, IPv4 or IPv6. You can detect using the filter extension
