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PHP generate file for download then redirect

I have a PHP app that creates a CSV file which is forced to download using headers. Here’s the relevant part of the code: What I’d like to do is redirect users to a new page after the file is built and the download prompt is sent. Just adding header(“Location: /newpage”) to the end didn’t work, expectedly, so I’m not

is_file or file_exists in PHP

I need to check if a file is on HDD at a specified location ($path.$file_name). Which is the difference between is_file() and file_exists() functions and which is better/faster to use in PHP? Answer is_file() will return false if the given path points to a directory. file_exists() will return true if the given path points to a valid file or directory.

PHP equivalent of send and getattr?

If Ruby gets invited to a party and brings: .. and Python gets invited to the same party and brings: .. what does PHP have to bring to the party? Bonus question: If Ruby and Python got jealous of PHP’s party-favors, what English terms would they search for in PHP’s documentation in order to talk about it behind PHP’s back?

Check whether a directory exists in PHP

I know, I know, this sounds soo easy. But I can’t seem to find the correct answer on the Internet. One of the solution I found was to use is_dir. if(is_dir($dir)) echo ‘directory exists’; else …

MySQL query to extract first word from a field

I would like to run a query that returns the first word only from a particular field, this field has multiple words separated by spaces, I assume I may need to carry out some regex work to accomplish this? I know how to do this using a few ways in PHP but this would best be carried out on the
