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Codeigniter variables from constructor are undefined

I’m using CI’s Auth Tank library to query records for certain users. The variable $user_id = tank_auth->get_user_id(); grabs the user id from the session. I want to pull records where user_id = $user_id. From what I understood, constructors can load variables each time a class is initiated. Sort of like global variables. So I figured I’ll set my $user_id in

add existing pdfs to fpdf

Is there any function that I could call in order to include an existing pdf in my fpdf file? For example $pdf->AddPage(from file example.pdf); something like that? is it posible?

MySQL and PHP – insert NULL rather than empty string

I have a MySQL statement that inserts some variables into the database. I recently added 2 fields which are optional ($intLat, $intLng). Right now, if these values are not entered I pass along an empty string as a value. How do I pass an explicit NULL value to MySQL (if empty)? Answer To pass a NULL to MySQL, you do

Edit ScriptCase Code Directly?

I’m doubting since this site is full of experts anyone has dealt with this, but I’m hoping someone might have. I’m working with a client now who is creating a site using ScriptCase. I’ve tried figuring it out, and I’m lost as to how I can do something as simple as parse a CSV file after its been uploaded. So,

PHP: Check who had read sent email?

I am sending email to some users and wants to know who had read it, means if some one had read that email then a log file will maintain which contain the email address of that user with date/time/IP. For this I send a javascript function with the email (html template) which just alert the email address of the user

Smarty permissions problems

Smarty is complaining about permissions. I’ve written a small mvc framework for a project I’m working on and I need to be able to render templates in each controller. I went ahead and followed the …
