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Save byte to file with php

I have a c# program with some bitmap datatypes which i would like to upload to my web server with HTTP. So i am thinking of converting the bitmap to the datatype bytes and then post it as text to the …

Undefined variable: id PHP

Can every explain or show me why i’m getting this Undefined variable: id. The function And calling the function. If someone can help me out it would be most appreciated Answer Check your $id whether it is set or not before calling your function. Do like this

HTML/PHP – Form – Input as array

I got a form like this I’d like to have as $_POST output an array like: I know I could do something like name=”levels[1][build_time]” and so on, but since these elements get added dynamically, it would be hard to add an index. Is there another way? As suggested, I changed my form. I also included my whole HTML now, because

php – check if class name stored in a string is implementing an interface

I understand that my question is somehow wrong, but I’m still trying to solve this problem. I have an interface Programmer: and a couple of namespaced classes: StudentsBjarneProgrammer (implements Programmer) StudentsCharlieActor (implements Actor) I have this class names stored in array $students = array(“BjarneProgrammer”, “CharlieActor”); I want to write a function, that will return an instance of class if it’s

correct PHP headers for pdf file download

I’m really struggling to get my application to open a pdf when the user clicks on a link. So far the anchor tag redirects to a page which sends headers that are: this doesn’t seem to work, has anybody successfully sorted this problem in the past? Answer Example 2 on w3schools shows what you are trying to achieve. Also remember

Get WordPress Child Theme Path in WordPress

I have a parent and child theme. In my child theme I declared a variable CHILD_DIR so I can add custom JS and CSS files to the my child theme’s folder structure. I did this in my functions.php file in my child theme by doing this: This produces a URL which is what I want since I’m using it like

register_shutdown_function doesn’t pass variables…?

I’ve run into some difficulties with register_shutdown_function() in PHP. I have a header.php file which contains: $_SESSION contains an array called “user”, containing things like the user ID and their username. I extract $_SESSION simply so I can use $user[“id”] rather than $_SESSION[“user”][“id”]. Then, in footer.php I have this code: to put the info back into the session, in case
