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MySQL Daemon Failed to Start – centos 6

EDIT: Look at the checkmarked answer comments to get your issue solved. Whenever I try to start the SQLD service I get MySQL Daemon Failed to Start. I infact tried to “start” the service by doing …

Ignore specific character: –

I want to ignore a specific character using php. So when a user adds this character in the textbox. the php scripts filters it out first. I tried something and came up with this: <?php $…

Merging two json in PHP

I have two json’s First one is [{“COLUMN_NAME”:”ORDER_NO”,”COLUMN_TITLE”:”Order Number”} ,{“COLUMN_NAME”:”CUSTOMER_NO”,”COLUMN_TITLE”:”Customer Number”}] Second one is [{“COLUMN_NAME”:”…


I am working with a TABLE, need logical help. Check the below URL for the table structure and sample data.!2/ece06/2 Table Schema: Inserted Data: Query: OutPUT: Expected OUTPUT: As you can see the output of the query has concat with comma. And currently we are doing string concat using PHP which splits while displaying!! Is there any other way

Symfony/Doctrine Rearranging Database Columns

When I go to generate a table using the doctrine:schema:update command line, it appears that Doctrine(or Symfony?) wants to throw in a command that rearranges my columns, putting the keys towards the front it would appear. I was wondering if, and more hopefully, where, I can disable this “feature” of the Environment, so when I go to generate my tables,

How to use custom exception from cakephp plugin?

I have some custom exception for my application. I placed them to app where it is running well. Now I want to move them to one of my plugin and use exception from their. I have implemented custom exception as mentioned here: But, I am looking for same solution if I use exception classes from cakephp plugin. Any suggestion…???

One Page Checkout scrolling to the bottom of screen on next

On my magento site, I am getting a strange behaviour in onepagecheckout that Iā€™d like to fix. Basically, on Step 2, after entering all the data required and I click on the continue button, the page automatically scrolls down to the bottom of the screen so instead of seeing the shipping option, you see the footer and have to scroll
