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Tag: zend-framework

XDebug not working with xampp

I’m using (or trying to anyway) use the bundled XDebug with XAMPP 1.7.2. It comes bundled with Apache 2.2.12, PHP 5.3.0, XDebug 2.0.5 and Zend (not sure on version) This is a totally fresh install of XAMPP, the only thing I’ve added to php.ini (at xampp/php/php.ini) is: (this is only one of many different configs I’ve tried) But try as

php Zend / MVC without mod_rewrite

I’ve seen it mentioned in many blogs around the net, but I believe it shoud be discussed here. What can we do when we have an MVC framework (I am interested in ZEND) in PHP but our host does not provide mod_rewrite? Are there any “short-cuts”? Can we transfer control in any way (so that a mapping may occur between
