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Tag: xml

Convert XML to CSV with PHP

I’m using the following code to convert my XML file to a CSV format. Unfortunately, it seems to not be recognizing each entry in the XML and so the XML file ends up being blank. An example of my XML file is below… Any ideas what I did wrong? Answer Try this

PHP XML serializer

Is there some php libraries which implement serialization of data to XML-format like serialize() and unserialize() (with restoring objects from XML) functions of objects with private and protected …

Converting KML to GeoJson

I’m having huge issues doing this so once again i come for help. I have this massive file which contains all the DMA’s for Nielson what i need to do with php somehow is parse through each and get the data from and the coordinates but they have to be outputted in this format anyone have any idea how to

simplexml_load_string correct parameters for namespace

I am currently trying to pull information from the google contacts api. Using the sample code provided in the libraries: the simplexml_load_string function does not pick up on namespaces. Looking at and how to add the parameters I am a little lost. event with trying to pull the ‘gd’ namespace from my xml string I am receiving an error.

Get my eBay listings with PHP using eBay API

I’ve been reading through the eBay Developer Network and for the life of me can’t figure out how to do the simple task of retrieving all listings from an eBay User (me) via their API. Can anyone help me out on achieving this. Thanks a lot. Edit: I have tried using HTTP method of: But this hasn’t given me any
