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Tag: xdebug

How do i debug my php code inside my html?

I’m using Laravel for my project. I wrote some PHP code inside HTML which basically under my .blade.php file. I’m trying to debug variable $highestRow inside tbody tag. I tried var_dump($highestRow) but my controller is just passing over the breakpoint. I’m looking for some x_debug() thing to use for debugging. All I remember there is some function in Xdebug to

Xdebug error on local environment [Failed loading /usr/local/lib/php/pecl/20190902/]

I want to use Xdebug on the vscode. I tried it while reading the official documentation, but I couldn’t get it to work and got the following error. php –ini Has anyone else encountered the same problem? Thank you. Answer I got this working by doing something similar to this: I added to ~/.bash_profile. You can run source ~/.bash_profile

How to set up VSCode, PHP Debug and XDebug (Windows 10)

I want to use VSCode’s ‘PHP Debug’ plugin with Xdebug to debug PHP scripts. But when I choose “Debug|Start Debugging F5” the little debug pop-up appears and I am stuck. Buttons for Pause, Restart, Stop are active. Buttons for Step over, into, out are inactive (greyed out). Nothing happens in the debug console. (1) VSCode 1.42.1 is installed (2) XAMPP

Debugging Laravel application on VSCode

Has anyone successfully configured VSCode to debug Laravel-based website? After having followed numerous articles and tutorials, I have made it to the point where I can ask VSCode to “Listen to XDEBUG”, but I haven’t been able to do normal VS-style debugging where I could just hit F5 to launch current the website in my favorite browser and it would
