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Tag: wordpress

How to get all checkout fields from WooCommerce?

I like to get all available checkout fields, including third party ones: returns a fatal error: Is there an offical way to get them? Edit: My plugin needs a dropdown field with all available checkout fields on the backend. What I like to have is an array like this (I var_dump the $checkout_fields variable of the WC_Checkout class) : Answer

Title tag showing latest post title

I am working a site here . the title tag of the site in tab shows the title of the latest published post . the header.php has the following i replaced it to still its showing. i have installed All In One SEO Pack that could be the reason.If yes,is there any way to correct it without deactivating the

Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in ……wordpress Plugin [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question I get this error : Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in ……popularity-contest.php on line

Scheduling event in wordpress starting from very next monday

I have made a plugin to send weekly newsletters. The goal is that the plugin will shoot email on every Monday. I have few confusions here: 1 – Please have look at below code So, I made my custom recurrence ‘weekly’. However I am not sure what should I provide to the $timestamp variable so, that it will start working
