Using Chrome you can right click – Inspect element to see the html code behind that element: I wonder how to find which php file has generated that html. Maybe there is some tool to put a breakpoint into the html so the php server will stop when trying to generate it again? I’m using WordPress locally. I’m on Ubuntu
Tag: wordpress
Import Edited data back to Gravity Forms WordPress Plugin
I am using a gravity forms plugin and it takes long to edit the entries or data from the plugin interface itself. I can export data as a csv file and edit it in excel or any other csv supporting application. Now the thing is how can I import the data back into gravity forms without creating duplicates and only
How to get all checkout fields from WooCommerce?
I like to get all available checkout fields, including third party ones: returns a fatal error: Is there an offical way to get them? Edit: My plugin needs a dropdown field with all available checkout fields on the backend. What I like to have is an array like this (I var_dump the $checkout_fields variable of the WC_Checkout class) : Answer
Hide ‘add to cart’ button ONLY on woocommerce shop/category pages
I want to hide the button on my shop pages, but I would like to show it on other posts and pages. I’ve found this code to hide the add to cart button on my whole website: add_action( ‘…
WooCommerce: function that returns all product ID’s in a particular category
I think the title of the question is fairly self-explanatory, but to detail it… I’m trying to make a custom category page in Woocommerce. What I need is to return all the product ID’s in a particular category. I’ve seen this post, but it uses the WP_Query way of doing things, which is pretty ugly. I’d prefer to use something
How to see if a post exists based on a meta value
Is there any way to see if a post exists by a meta value? For instance, lets say I want to see if another post has a unique meta value of “pictureID”, and if so do something else. Is there a way I …
Title tag showing latest post title
I am working a site here . the title tag of the site in tab shows the title of the latest published post . the header.php has the following i replaced it to still its showing. i have installed All In One SEO Pack that could be the reason.If yes,is there any way to correct it without deactivating the
Woocommerce – Prevent Adding items from two different categories to cart
I want to prevent users from adding products from different categories into cart at once. Say if the user navigates to another categories and tries to add product to cart, they get the cart cleared out first. Please anybody know how i might approach this? I am a newbie at things like this. Thanks Answer I’ve solved this before. My
Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in ……wordpress Plugin [closed]
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question I get this error : Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in ……popularity-contest.php on line
Scheduling event in wordpress starting from very next monday
I have made a plugin to send weekly newsletters. The goal is that the plugin will shoot email on every Monday. I have few confusions here: 1 – Please have look at below code So, I made my custom recurrence ‘weekly’. However I am not sure what should I provide to the $timestamp variable so, that it will start working