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Tag: wordpress-shortcode

Why is WordPress not recognising the function I created?

I am trying to create a function with two variables. One variable is the text I want to hover over, the other variable is the text I want displayed when I hover over the first text mentioned. I’m using the following shortcode from Shortcodes Ultimate to create this function: I have written the following function in functioins.php: I added the

Convert number to star rating php shortcode?

I’ve used the following code in order to generate a star rating inside a shortcode on my site. I’m new to PHP and incredibly confused. The issue I have is, how can I make $starNumber a variable number that I can change inside the shortcode? For example, if I wanted to show 3.5 stars with a shortcode such as [starrating

strpos(): Empty needle WordPress Plugin

I’ve just finished building my first plugin and have tested it with various plugins on my personal site with no errors. However some users are saying the plugin is causing the following errors for them: strpos(): Empty needle in /west/XXXXX/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bot-block/bot-plugin.php on line 200 On line 200 I have this: Now I can’t see a problem with that line so I’ll

Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in ……wordpress Plugin [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question I get this error : Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in ……popularity-contest.php on line
