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Tag: wordpress-theming

Posts not ordering by post__in

I am trying to display 3 blog posts that have been selected by the user in the admin. The order should go gridItem1, gridItem2 then gridItem3. I have set out my query below but it shows the selected posts but in date order not in the order I have outlined. I have searched other posts and added in the ‘surpress_filters’

WordPress JavaScript

I’m trying to achieve a custom option inside the “Publish Metabox” in WordPress admin custom post. And I want to know is there any native way to do expand/collapse divs (Check the below screenshot). I wonder how WordPress itself achieves it like the below screenshot? (Maybe match the IDs like bootstrap JS libraries do ?). Answer And I want to

Wrong author ID output from elementor module

I create a module for elementor. I need to display the author name, choosen from the elementor admin control. I have 4 administrator. They show up correctly on control panel: admin (ID=0.) Jhon Doe (ID=1.) Jeane Doe (ID=3.) Mary Doe (ID=5.) The code for Elementor admin panel: When I choose Jeane Doe from Elementor control admin, the output on the
