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Tag: woocommerce

jQuery coloring table row if quantity is same

I have a table with order items, with a quantity input box and a field with the quantity that has been ordered. If the quantity input box has the same value as the quantity that has been ordered, I want it to color green. Now I have it working a bit, but my knowledge only goes so far. Somehow it

Show JS alert on a form php

I have the following php code, which is a wordpress hook to display an address autocomplete form on my website’s cart page. The function was written in functions.php file. I dont want the customer’s to enter their unit numbers or house numbers. As such, I want to display a simple js alert if a customer enters “/” charachter in the

wordpress redirect users to the same URL they request appending parameters according to role

I am working on a Wordpress website with multiple roles. My target is to redirect user with a specific role when they request pages like orders in the admin area to go to a filtered URL having their id. example: User requests: This Applies only to the role “tester” My Approach was: Rewriting the code now gave me error,

Close modal when class is present, stay open with another

I have a modal from W3schools with a shortcode in it from a plugin (Product page shipping calculator for WooCommerce) that is the shipping calculator form from Woocommerce. On submit It checks for shipping methods available and if there are shipping methods available, print a message in a class that says shipping available and vice versa. The PHP responsible for

Countdown For WooCommerce Products

I create function to get the date and turn it to countdown. This my function code: And this my javascript code which is in “countdown.js” file: This code works on single product page, but when I try this in the product archive, it only works on the first product and does not work on the rest products. I want each
