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Tag: wkhtmltopdf

Docker – install wkhtmltopdf – error updating from 0.12.4 to 0.12.6

I have a dockerfile which successfully installs wkhtmltopdf v0.12.4 but I need to update this to a newer version (0.12.6) as it doesn’t seem to be compatible with some other upgrades I’ve made. Here’s the code that works (albeit incompatible) And here’s the code that’s not working… And here’s the error message I’m getting… Answer Based on the comments, the

wkhtmltopdf without creating a file in php

I have the wkhtmltopdf module in my Drupal which generates the pdf file by running the ‘wkhtmltopdf –options URL filename.pdf’ command using shell_exec function. The output of the file is fine, but I don’t want to store the pdf in the file system. I just want to show the output on the browser so the user can choose whether or
