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Tag: tags

How can I get wordpress page content without html tags? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question This is what I get from my page and i can’t make some changes. Answer Use wp_strip_all_tags function wp_strip_all_tags Thanks!

Convert PHP array into HTML tag attributes separated by spaces

I need to convert a PHP array into HTML tag attributes, with spaces and quotes, this is an example: This is the result I need to achieve: There is any PHP function to do it? I am trying these: http_build_query array_walk Answer You can also use this easy one line code, please follwo below code:: Output attr1=”value1″ id=”example” name=”john” class=”normal”

Search tags in mysql table with PHP

I have a table with some submissions, this table has a tags field, and I need to search in it. The data is saved in JSON format in the table, like this: [“basic”,”example”,”html”,”chart”] I’m trying …

PHP Comment Tag

In the wonderful world of Java/JSP, you can use this form of commenting: In in the much less wonderful world of PHP, the only reference to comments I can find are these: and these: But these WON’T comment out chucks of HTML and PHP tags: results in /* and */ being rendered to the browser, and do_something() is still called.

How to echo in PHP, HTML tags

I went through this before posting: How can I echo HTML in PHP? And I still couldn’t make it work. I’m trying to echo this: But I still can’t find a way to make the tags “” and ” disappear. What do I have to do? Answer Just put it in single quotes.
