I have this error when the deploy script tries to install the assets: (Setup PHP 7.2, Symfony 4.4) I have put the .env file in the shared files, so it’s copied when the release directory is created, this file is in the directory. I also tried to put the env vars in the .bashrc file of the user who deploys:
Tag: symfony4
Symfony 4 – .env Variables Not Available
I’m running in to a brick wall here. Everything so far with Symfony 4 has been sunshine and daisies but now I can’t seem to add any environment variables to my project. In my project root there is …
Can Symfony 4 be configured to ignore code installed in subdirectories?
I’m currently converting an old website to use Symfony 4 and the site uses the LiveZilla live chat app. LiveZilla lives in a subfolder of the site, and is accessed directly using URLs under somesite….
Show form errors
I would like to show error messages in the top of my registration form. I created my registration form:
{{ form_start(form) }} {{ …
Symfony 4 custom deserializer returns empty properties in entity
I have a custom Symfony 4 deserializer class CardImageDecoder implements EncoderInterface, DecoderInterface { public function encode($data, $format, array $context = []) { if($format !…
My profiler toolbar isn’t showing up in symfony 4.3.1
In my .env file, I have specified my app environment to be dev and debug to be true like so: In my config/packages/dev/web_profiler.yaml file I have the following: The routing within config/routes/dev/web_profiler.yaml seems to be fine: So when I run the server with symfony server:start everything is fine, but the profiler doesn’t appear. Did I miss something that enables that
Panther Chrome WebDriver : Full screen?
In my functional test of my symfony 4 application, i use the Chrome Webdriver with PANTHER_NO_HEADLESS=1 to see what happen. My problem is : Chrome browser starting with Debug Tool (F12) and not in full screen. This is a problem because i want to test elements that appears only on full screen. My test : Command : Then How can
Get data from multiple rows
I would like to get the value of the column uid from all rows where the value of the column city is london. I have tried it like this: $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Personal::class)->…
How do I get a service from the container directly, if I didn’t/couldn’t inject the service using DI?
I have a part of code where I’m injecting two services $checker and $paginator by dependency injection. It works perfectly: public function index(Request $request, Paginator $paginator, Checker $…
How to make /login route accessible only for anonymous users in Symfony4?
My access_controll looks like: – { path: ^/login, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY} – { path: ^/, roles: ROLE_USER} I need to give an access to route /login only to anonymously authenticated users….