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Tag: symfony

Warning: file_get_contents(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name does not resolve

I am running a php:7-fpm-alpine Docker container and have a Symfony command that calls the following function (simplified a bit for display here): … and when I run the command from within my Docker container, I get this error message: Warning: file_get_contents(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name does not resolve … but when I run a short test.php script … …

Edirectory Symfony Composer Install Package Conflict

I am helping someone install E-Directory. It’s overall a buggy app. composer.json This is the message I get when I run composer update: Could someone please explain what I should do next? I’ve been struggling for hours, eliminating dependencies, putting specific versions, etc. Any guidance is appreciated. Update: I tried this is what I got I also tried eliminating symfony-console

Symfony3: Correspondence of key value reversal in Choice Type

I’m updating Symfony. When I upgraded to Symfony3, all the “State.” Names displayed on the form changed to numbers. All state values are set in services.yml. By reversing the yml value, the display in the browser was restored, but when I tried to save the value selected in the pull-down in the form, the system works to save the number

Unable to find template error in Symfony 3.4

When I upgraded the system running Symfony3.0 to version 3.4, the following error occured. I’ve tried php bin/console debug:router php bin/console debug:twig , but the routing doesn’t seem to be a problem. What else should I consider? Error Code Code Controller.php routing.yml config.yml index.html.twig Version Symfony 3.4.47 PHP 7.3 Answer It was solved by specifying twig for @Template. Thanks to

No route found for POST … : Method Not Allowed (Allow: PUT)

Currently, I am updating the system running on the existing Symfony 2.3 (currently 3.0.9), and checking the operation. When I tried to change the state of an item to the selected state, I got an error. Do you have any advice for determining the case? Error Code Code ArticleController.php Version CentOS 6.7 PHP 5.6 Symfony3.0.9 Answer I’m guessing you are

Where is the preload.php file, and how is it generated?

With Symfony 5.1 and PHP 7.4, I want to add preload.php in opcache. Symfony documentation : During container compilation (e.g. when running the cache:clear command), Symfony generates a file called preload.php in the config/ directory with the list of classes to preload. opcache.preload=/path/to/project/config/preload.php But when I execute cache:clear, I don’t have preload.php file in /config/ directory. After search on google,

Hidden no longer works with symfony update

Currently, I am updating the system running on the existing Symfony 2.3 (currently 3.0.9), and I am verifying the operation. HiddenType is used for the function that when you select a value in the search form, only the data that is the status is displayed. I changed from ‘hidden’ toHiddenType :: class in the Symfony update, but the feature doesn’t
