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Tag: swoole

How to refresh changes in swoole PHP

I created one folder with two files, one is index.php and one is Dockerfile and in terminal I run php index.php and it started on, but when I change hello world in something else, it doesn’t show new change on that link.. it stays hello world. I am trying to learn Swoole and I don’t know how to work

PHP Swoole Notice ERRNO 1005

When Swoole is on heavy load and heavy requests I kept getting this Log: [2021-01-24 16:07:22 *33833.2] NOTICE finish (ERRNO 1005): session#21022 does not exists [2021-01-24 16:07:22 *33833.2] NOTICE finish (ERRNO 1005): session#21022 does not exists [2021-01-24 16:07:22 *33833.2] NOTICE finish (ERRNO 1005): session#21022 does not exists [2021-01-24 16:07:22 *33833.2] NOTICE finish (ERRNO 1005): session#21022 does not exists [2021-01-24 16:07:39
