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Tag: string

Splitting a Paragraph into 160 Character Pieces for Text Messaging

I’m having trouble with the logic of taking a paragraph of text and splitting it on words/sentences to send out in multiple text messages. Each text message can only have up to 160 characters. I want to cleanly break a paragraph up. Here is the solution (thanks Leventix!): Answer You can use wordwrap, then explode by newlines:

Calling a function from a string in C#

I know in php you are able to make a call like: Is this possible in .Net? Answer Yes. You can use reflection. Something like this: With the above code, the method which is invoked must have access modifier public. If calling a non-public method, one needs to use the BindingFlags parameter, e.g. BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance:

Are php strings immutable?

Or: Should I optimize my string-operations in PHP? I tried to ask PHP’s manual about it, but I didn’t get any hints to anything. Answer PHP already optimises it – variables are assigned using copy-on-write, and objects are passed by reference. In PHP 4 it doesn’t, but nobody should be using PHP 4 for new code anyway.

Convert a String to Variable

I’ve got a multidimensional associative array which includes an elements like I’ve got a strings like: How can I convert the strings into a variable to access the proper array element? This method will need to work across any array at any of the dimensions. Answer Quick and dirty: Of course the input string would need to be be sanitized

PHP equivalent of .NET/Java’s toString()

How do I convert the value of a PHP variable to string? I was looking for something better than concatenating with an empty string: Like the ToString() method in Java or .NET. Answer You can use the casting operators: There are more details for string casting and conversion in the Strings section of the PHP manual, including special handling for
