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Tag: .net

Convert php decryption function to C# responds differently result

I created a service that encrypts and stores keys using PHP. The Service returns an encrypted response to the client. The client program will need to decrypt the encrypted data. But the decrypt function I wrote in PHP responds differently in C#. So my php Function: It returns: Now I have converted the above function to C #. The result

How to call .net web service using CUrl PHP?

I have .net web service which i need to call using CUrl in php. Can anybody tell me how to achieve this? Below is my code which is not working and throwing Server Error. Thanks in advance Please see below error for more information: Answer I have used nusoap libraries to call the .net webservices. Check below link:

Calling a function from a string in C#

I know in php you are able to make a call like: Is this possible in .Net? Answer Yes. You can use reflection. Something like this: With the above code, the method which is invoked must have access modifier public. If calling a non-public method, one needs to use the BindingFlags parameter, e.g. BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance:
