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Tag: store

Laravel store Files from API with specific folder creation

My goal is create Laravel API to store Files, from VSTO POST request. But first need figure out how create unigue folders in laravel where to file store. From VSTO sending POST with File and parameter id_message. How to set Laravel Controller to store file as storage/app/MyFiles/{id_message}/file, and parametr id_message wile file_path save to database table ? FileController Update for

How to store array in Laravel?

There are two mysql tables 1.seats (id,number), 2.reservedseats(id,seat_id,sceering_id). I show all the seats of a specific sceering as checkboxes in show.blade: {!!Form::model($screening,[‘method’=&…

Storing application permissions in a database

I’m developing an application for our company that eventually will have lots of ways of restricting users to particular sections/modules. While the application is still small, I’d like to move to a new method of storing permissions that, as the application grows, will remain easy to maintain and query. Currently in our MySQL database we have a table called “user”
