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Tag: shipping-method

Hide shipping address in WooCommerce new order email notification depending on shipping method id

I want to hide the shipping address if the shipping label is called “Pick up at Rockefeller Store” (but to show for other pickup methods). There are too many ids such as “local_pickup:3” for me to filter through. I enabled the shipping address to be shown in emails/email-addresses.php despite it being a local pickup method. My code attempt: I need

How to get Shipping Methods custom additional data in Woocommerce?

From this comment I’ve created custom field “Shipping Method Description” inside shipping methods: But I can’t understand how to get this data in front-end inside my custom shipping template(/cart/cart-shipping.php) like: This comment isn’t clear for me how to get this instance settings. Can anyone suggest a solution? Answer WooCommerce shipping method settings are stored in wp_options table on option_name column
