I have a Single Sign On implementation that adds cookies to a website when people login. I see the cookie in the chrome Inspector when looking at one page, but not in another page on the same domain. …
Tag: session-cookies
How to set a cookie with the secure flag in PHP?
I want to set the httponly and secure flag true in my code but when i am trying to set that cookie. In that case cookie is not created and am unable to login to site. ini_set(‘session.cookie_httponly’…
How implement ‘remember me’ in laravel 5.1?
How to implement rememeber me functionality in laravel 5.1? Can anyone give me an example? Answer Laravel authentication offers remember me functionality out of the box. In order to use it you need to do 2 things: add remember_token column in your users table – this is where the token will be stored pass true as a second parameter of
Magento cookie settings for subdomain
When I am installing Magento under a subdomain of my production domain, I cannot login to magento admin. For example, my domain name is example.com where I have installed magento and it is in production, I am ok with admin login. However, I have a subdomain called test.example.com and I installed magento there for testing purpose. Now, if I try
How to delete cookie on codeigniter
I don’t know how to delete a cookie. I want is when I submit a form. The cookie is also delete. I try the delete_cookie(“name”) but is not working. I think because the cookie I created by javascript. Please check my code to fix this problem. This is my sample text field: and this is the javascript Answer Using Codeigniter,
phpmyadmin token mismatch for long time idle
I installed phpMyAdmin on my local develop enviroment, I set auth_type to config. Also I provide authentication requirements by this settings: But after a while that it is idle, if I click on any link of it , it shows me an error token mismatch, Is there any way that I increase its TTL? or make it alive permanently?