I want to convert my php code to python code. this code successfully fetching data from remote api, but when i try to write it with Python requests – array of parameters is sending with wrong data. “Parameters”, sended by my Python script is invalid Answer PHPs http_build_query and it’s corresponding $_GET and $_POST parsing are completely arbitrary in how
Tag: python
Why does my TCP connection not provide a response to a message when it works OK in netcat (nc) and telnet?
I am trying to send a message to a socket and read the response back in either PHP or Python. I have tried Telneting into the IP/Port and manually sending a command/receiving a response to verify the server is operating as expected. I have also tried connecting using nc (netcat) and that also works fine. In both cases I get
Reupload, How do i convert a php file to python dictionary?
After going over de fora, i did not find something that could solve this issue properly. I want to convert a file written in php to a python dictionary. In this case this file is a converted TrueType Font-file. to: I thank all in advance! P.S. I reuploaded this question (my previous was closed) to share my solution in case
Comment method callers name above the callee method
Is there any specific standards or styles in any languages to specify which methods are calling the current method using comments in the project? for example lets say callee method is being called from UserController@indexMethod and UserController@storeMethod, so we comment it here so if i change the callee’s parameters i can find and change the callers easily. Answer Don’t do
how to make correctly way AES.encrypt contain control character in Python3
I’m going to change encrypt logic from php to python3. The original code has logic for padding ascii, i brought it into my python code. from to but two of encrytor work different when to_pkcs7 got 11 characters (ex “12345678901”) and return result contain control character(ex 12345678901x05x05x05x05x05, chr(5) means ENQ x05). i think the control character of result purhaps ignored
How to execute a Python program in PHP and use the return value inside HTML ?
How would I go about executing Python code from PHP? I belive shell_exec(Command) will run a command from the terminal. I have tried this so far: <?php $command = escapeshellcmd('python3 main.py')…
Flask API is unable to receive data from PHP
I’m trying to run a flask API in a specific port number as below, from flask import Flask, request from pymongo import MongoClient import json app = Flask(__name__) @app.route(“/”) def hello(): …
How to use python in laravel project for search in mysql database [closed]
I want to know how can i use python to search and into mysql of my PHP Laravel project and send back the results into php file
Adding clippath information to an image
I’m trying to add a clipping path to a TIFF image. I made one TIFF file with GIMP that contains a clipping path and I can clip my image using it by $img = new Imagick(“./test.tiff”); $img->…
Python PHP equivalent
I have been using PHP for a while now with my Apache2 web server on my raspberry pi. It works great, but I get tired of always having to think “how do I X in PHP” or “what was the function name for this in PHP”. I am under the strong impression that there should be something equivalent in which