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Tag: phpstorm

Xdebug 3 not included in phpinfo()

I have a problem with Xdebug on Mac OS using Big Sur. Below, I will explain what is happening. When I run phpinfo() – I don’t see a Xdebug section at all. When I run commands such as xdebug_call_file() it throws a PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function error. Here are all the configurations: php -v: PhpStorm

Failing to load Xdebug when running PHPUnit Tests

I have been having a option for a few days. When I try to run a PHPUnit test I get a message saying failed to load Xdebug. I have tried to reinstall, change filepaths etc but I am getting nowhere. Hoping somebody can help me out 🙂 Answer Failing loading xxxx.dll is an indication that PHP can’t load the extension

How to find and import default CSS tags from PHP file

I have a report generation page, that is PHP based, but I can’t use basic CSS classes in it for some reasons. For example, the i-column-header class doesn’t do anything. I am Using PhpStorm and if I go into a CSS file, I see that it has the classes, and it says “from html”. I am not sure where the
