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Tag: php-carbon

PHP Julian Date for JDE Oracle

i’m trying to convert a date like 2022-08-09 to a julian date for send it to JDE. The problem is that default php functions like juliantojd() return a different result. The result i expected was something like this I got this function from a very old code that is doing the job in .asp I’m trying to convert this

Laravel Carbon change date to specific data

How to change f.e. only month and day in existing date variable(object ?)? I’ve got date type fields in db: And then I want in blade view change according to special conditions. Above code changes the date to something like “1970-01-01”. The year could stay as it is stored in current variable, but I need to know how change only

Adding day/incrementing with a carbon formatted date

I’m using carbon to get today’s date and format it in a laravel blade template, which is not a problem at all, but when it comes to incrementing I’m having an issue I’m currently testing with just adding a single day, but I want to actually create table headers for today and the next 7 days. In my blade I

how to make Carbon null in laravel?

I’m making a table in Laravel and I want my “besttime” to be a nullable but it’s returning the current time if I keep it empty. (I’m using carbon because I want the H:i format without the seconds) here’s what my input looks like Answer I will suggest you to add mutators in model so you can keep code simpler
