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Tag: paypal-rest-sdk

PayPal: Verify webhook notifications in PHP

PayPal’s documentation is pretty bad, but they do have a PHP notification verification sample here which mentions: PHP Currently does not support certificate chain validation, that is necessary to validate webhook directly, from received data. To resolve that, we need to use alternative, which makes a call to PayPal’s verify-webhook-signature API. It also includes some files that aren’t within the

How do I integrate PayPal Smart Button in Laravel 8?

I am trying to integrate PayPal Smart buttons in my Laravel 8 Website. These are the documentation I am using: Issue: I get two errors: This error underlines the fetch in my front-end. Here is my route file: Here is my PayPalController Method: Here is my front-end .blade.view file: I have edited the PayPalClient.php file with my
