I am trying to debug some bizarre behaviour of my PHP application. It is running Laravel 6 + AWS SQS. The program downloads call recordings from a VoIP provider’s API using a job. The API has a heavy rate limit of 10req/minute, so I’m throttling the requests on my side. The job is configured to try to complete within 24
Tag: laravel-6
Cannot resolve this error: “Target class [DatabaseSeeder] does not exist.”
Many people have asked about this error: Target class [DatabaseSeeder] does not exist. It seems to have many root causes, but I cannot determine my root cause. I am using Laravel 6.20.43. The software does not produce any errors when run in the browser. The error The error appears when I use this command: php artisan db:seed Here is DatabaseSeeder.php:
Missing required parameters for [Route: photographers.edit] [URI: posts/edit/{photographers}]
I Get this error every time I create an edit button or even a button to view a particular post in my project. Here’s my route code: Here’s my edit function in the controller file : Here’s my view button route: I read a lot of previous posts on this issue but didn’t really help me. Answer sometimes the dependency
Serialize form validation Laravel 8
could not validate an array of input in laravel 8. from the frontside I have gotten the serialized form data which was successfully accessible from the backend. what I want is to validate the form inside the update function before I update the data when the user changes. what I have tried on the validation function is below looking recommendation
Error converting nvarchar into int… being a number? – Laravel, SQL
I am creating a json to save 2 values of a form that have the same name (data) in order to when 2 rows are saved in the table instead of just one at the same time. This structure is created like this and cannot be edited. In principle it works, but in the end it gives me an error
Surely noobie Laravel Question: Undefined id? Why? [closed]
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 9 months ago. Improve this question I’m trying to edit the data saved in my DB, and I’m completely lost. In my PostController the index, create,
How to multiple withcount() columns sum and order by in laravel
I have to need to order by records based on withcount() function in laravel 6 In this code, I have two withCount() functions and I need to order By based on that two-column sum before get(). It works when order by using one column but if I use two-column then it returns an unknown column. Is it possible or not?
How can I get my custom gate working in Laravel?
I am trying to create a custom gate that allows users of the “Administrator” team to access the Users index page. However, it functions exactly the opposite of what I want to achieve and I …
Laravel Auth guard does not persist after redirect CustomUser
After redirecting from LoginController Auth::guard(‘user’)->user() returns null LoginConsumer LoginService LoginController Auth::guard(‘web’)->user() returns the right user in each of this layers. But on redirect to route(‘user-home’) (or to any route) the same Auth::guard(‘web’)->user() returns null auth.php Answer The problem was that I didn’t return when implementing IlluminateContractsAuthUserProvider the object from
Laravel Dusk: FacebookWebDriverExceptionUnknownErrorException: unknown error: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Running php artisan dusk get the error: Versions: OS: Windows 10 v1903 build 18362.1016 Chrome: 85.0.4183.83 Laravel: v6.18.37 Dusk: v5.11.0 Phpunit: v8.5.8 Tried: Disable firewall Set test website to use localhost (was myapp.local) Can access all pages using Chrome browser Check that vendor/laravel/dusk/bin/chromedriver-win.exe is executable (-rwxr-xr-x) php artisan route:clear php artisan cache:clear php artisan config:clear composer dump-autoload google “FacebookWebDriverExceptionUnknownErrorException: unknown