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Tag: laravel-5

Laravel 5.5 autodiscovery not registering

I’m installing the spatielaravel-backup package. According to the instructions, I just need to composer require spatielaravel-backup and the package should be recognized and auto-installed. It looks like this is happening: But looking in /config/app.php there’s no mention of backup anywhere in the providers, and the expected /config/backup.php configuration file isn’t found. Are there any additional commands I need to issue

PhpStorm unable to recognize the Php File

I have a PHP trait file : appLibsomeTrait.php Even though it is a PHP file (with .php extension), PHPStorm is unable to recognize it as a valid PHP file. The editor is not doing syntax highlighting for PHP code inside this file and it is pretty much displayed as normal text file. I am trying to use this file from

Laravel: Count number of rows in a relationship

I have the following relationship: A venue has many offers A offer has many orders I have the following Eloquent model to represent this: I want to determine the total number of orders for venues with location_id = 5 using Laravel’s Eloquent model. The only way I managed to do this is as follows: However, this is obviously not very

Checking duplicated data in Laravel

This code work as send to inn_db table from ext_db. but it cannot check if the data is the same or different in inn_db. So there posited same values in inn_db. How could I add that job?. Laravel-5.4, MySQL, InnoDB. Finally, I got the answer as below code with connect view when after discussion. Thanks to @Pramid and @Badea 🙂

Group Array By Range Value

I have this array [1,1,2,2,2,3,4,4,5,6,6,6,7], may I group the array according to the range value, so get the final result: ‘1-3’ = [1,1,2,2,2,3]; // Count is 6 ‘4-5’ = [4,4,5]; // Count is 3 ‘6-7’ = …
