I am presenting this error: ErrorException (E_NOTICE) Array to string conversion This is the view from where I am sending the data from the inputs.
Adding to select orderby or sortby filtering on search result Laravel
How do I add on select orderby sorting on search result please? laravel 5.8?
My laravel application is not picking right route
My laravel application should move to route “mango/public/4” but it moves to “mango/public/4/4”. Route file route::get(‘/{id}/edit’,’LaptopController@edit’); route::patch(‘/{id}’,’LaptopController@…
adding line break in string data coming from database in laravel
here the above code is my orders display code I want to add line breaks in product_name which is the string and showing like Hp I7 8th generation, Huawei p30 pro I want to break the line and add the second product which is after the comma in the next row of the table here is the image of how
Class ‘applogin’ not found in laravel 5.8
I am using laravel 5.8 and have an issue with model class. Since model is placed directly in app folder. namespace App; use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel; class Login extends Model { // } …
Reflection Exception : Class does not exist for manually added class
I added a seeder (copied from elsewhere and pasted) to my application and included the call in the Database Seeder run() function. I get the exception above even though the class exists. I suspected …
Laravel – No emails sending using mailgun
Server: Digital Ocean Ubuntu 16.04 Laravel 5.8 I cannot get email to send out of laravel using mailgun.com In Digital Ocean I have all outgoing ports open on the firewall, I have the correct DNS settings in Digital ocean for TXT and MX records. I have the correct and verified DNS records on my domain registar and mailgun has a
laravel authorizeResource always denies access
I have created a resource controller for an API endpoint. I have also created a corresponding policy for the model. If I do a per method authorization check using then it works as expected. But if I add the following to the construct, I always get a 403 forbidden. Not sure what I am missing as the following should apply
Pulling all categories and grouping them by parent id
I am working with Laravel data querying and I need a query that is going to group all the children of a parent when I take the categories. the categories table has a name and a parent_id, the routes of the categories have the parent_id set as null, the query should return every category grouped by parent id and the
composer global require laravel/installer
I’ve tried the first commands from the Laravel documentation composer global require laravel/installer I got error Changed current directory to /Users/bheng/.composer …