I’m a beginner in Symfony (version 2), I have a project achieved with plain basic PHP, and now I’m redoing my pages in dealing with Symfony framework, and arrived to my jquery ajax functions, surely, …
Tag: jquery
PHP – jQuery – Comet chat
I am looking for a solution for PHP and comet. I would like to make a chat using Ajax to send the message. I call the function using jQuery and send data, it is simple. But the problem is in retrieving new messages. How to retrieve messages using the new solution comet? I need a simple example. I am looking
jQuery .post won’t read PHP include
I built my website from bunch of php include files that work like a template. When I change something in one file whole website changes. When I click on a radio button, ajax should activate and it should try to communicate with the other php file which should connect to the database and to send information back to the original
Can you call JavaScript function from PHP loop?
I am wounding if I can do this, as I am trying this from last 2 days but no success. I want to run JavaScript function from PHP PHP example JavaScript I am trying to generate a page which print loop number one by one. But I got error jfun is not defined. What I can understand my JavaScript function
How to get the value of a checked Radio Button from jQuery $.post after it is submitted to a PHP file
I am completely new to javascript/jquery, and would appreciate any help. I am having trouble with the function $.post because I am using radio in the form. I need to use the value of the chosen radio in a different file, so that I can process what should be outputted, and then I want to output something in place of
How to stop jQuery .ajax() execution when success is false?
I have this code which works. $.ajax({ type: “GET”, url: “includes/process.php”, data: “captcha=” + captcha, success: function(data) { if(data == ‘true’) …
How does onchange carry selected text and hidden value?
I have a dynamically populated PHP dropdown menu that gathers the following information from the database: I then have a JavaScript function that shows the selected text – description in an input box for editing and then on submit update back into the database. Question: Is there away using JavaScript that I could pass the id and description together but
jQuery Ajax post to php not catching variable
What am i doing wrong. PHP doesn’t seem to catch title and wrapper from $.ajax. Does the code look correct. The success message i get indicate an error that title is not found. jQuery main.html PHP process.php Answer Take a look: jQuery.ajax() The data parameter is better to be a Key/Value pairs object, it’s cleaner and easier to debug 🙂
Populate table contents from PHP array using AJAX
I have a table as below; and a PHP file, ajax.php for AJAX calls as; The PHP function is suppose to return an array with a limited number of elements with respect to $_POST[“page”] like in pagination. The script will return first 5 elements for $page = 1, second 5 elements for $page = 2, etc..etc.. When page loads, the
AJAX + jQuery variables do not pass to PHP
I am trying to do something very simple: Pass 2 text variables to a php script and insert them into a MySQL db. For some reason however I can’t get the variables to pass (so I just get empty records in my DB). And the PHP: Anyone willing to take a quick look at it and point out my -probably