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Tag: jquery

WordPress JavaScript

I’m trying to achieve a custom option inside the “Publish Metabox” in WordPress admin custom post. And I want to know is there any native way to do expand/collapse divs (Check the below screenshot). I wonder how WordPress itself achieves it like the below screenshot? (Maybe match the IDs like bootstrap JS libraries do ?). Answer And I want to

ERROR: POST http://localhost:8765/users/delete/delete8 403 (Forbidden)

I’m using cakephp4. trying to add some sweetalert. Sweetalert is popping up when the delete button is clicked but when I click confirm for delete it’s not deleting the data. template/layout/Users/index.php template/layout/Users/index.php delete method is as follows in my UsersController.php UsersController.php Route File is here config/route.php }); Answer I am sure it’s the CSRF token. Try to replace with Also

Couldn’t calculate drop down list select value using jquery

i am creating a simple inventory system using jquery.what is problem is when i calculation products we have a two option GR and KG. if i select as GR it need to be calculation the GR calculation part if i select as KG it need to be calculation the KG calculation part.i ran into the problem with KG is working

Multiple Toggles In A Post Loop

I’ve created a simple toggle to reveal and close a food menu. However as this is in a Wordpress Loop only the first one works. I’m guessing because as the page builds itself out there then become multiple ID’s. However I can’t find anyway to tweak the JQuery / JS to not use ID’s. Any Ideas?? The foodMenuName just swaps

Get Id From AJAX Response And Use The Id For Select2

I write HTML code in controller And then in view, I am trying to get rolesForEdit id and use it for select2. It doesn’t work with this way. Any solution? Answer Your server return json as response so add dataType: ‘json’ to your ajax call. Then , append data return to your dataUserElement i.e : data.html and finally intialize your

Why is my AJAX method sending form input to the URL?

Once a user submits their form, I want to use JQuery/AJAX to stop the page from redirecting/reloading. But what is happening, is the user data is refreshed and displayed in the URL – even though I am using the POST method! I have 2 forms on my landing.html page, but I’ll just give the coding for 1 of them: It
