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Tag: javascript

how to access specific elements from a promise

in php I return to javascript the following: in my js file I have: this writes out to the console: how do I access the value ‘FOUND’ associated with the key ’email’? I’ve tried response[’email’], and response[0][’email’] Answer The title is very misleading because the problem is completely unrelated to promises. The backend doesn’t provide pure JSON but HTML

AJAX Post is sending only partial rows PHP

AJAX Post is sending only partial rows PHP. This is my code: excelRows contains 39 rows, but I am getting only 25 rows to PHP. Here is my PHP script – Answer UPDATE Here is a sample AJAX-call with the data you provided. So far everything works OK. Maybe you should try it out again with your original data and

JS Regex named groups with replace()

In JS, I’m trying to build an object from the below code. However I’m stuck at getting regex named groups with the below replace function. NOTE: What I’m trying to do is, Select characters from str variable from “:” to “,” and replace it with formatters values. Then make the string an object. Answer Regex Demo

Get href on click and redirect with shortcode

I’m working with this idea: get href onclick and redirect with link Because i need a link redirect to another page. My problem is that the second page is dinamic. For it, i use a shortcode. But im not know how i can do for it works. The var yourHTML is not working. Answer You should use event.preventDefault(); to cancel

2 foreach in 1 table is not work correctly

I’m try to loop 2 query inside one table . both query had 10 records . so i put my first foreach (or looping) before TR tag .. here is example of the table that i want to create : I don’t know how i can make my table like that with data from my database.. so i tried and
