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Tag: image

Convert tiff to jpg in php?

I have a server which holds TIFF images. Most clients can read and display TIFF images, so there’s no problem. However, some clients can’t handle this format but can handle JPG. I thought of using PHP’…

PHP – Unzip and convert images from .jpg to .bmp

I’ve a code that unzip files that I upload to my server, it works without any problem. But now I want to add another function. I want to convert all images that are in .zip file (.zip file only contains images) from .jpg format to .bmp. There is some easy way to do it? If there is not, at least

Converting BMP to JPG in PHP

In a site I’m developing I need to be able to pass all my images through imagejpeg(), so I decided (as my site only accepts JPG, BMP + PNG uploads) to simply convert BMPs and PNGs to a JPG first. Now to convert the BMP I used the script found here: The script works fine when I pass a

Images not showing up with https

Suddenly, my images are not showing up on my site when accessing https pages. No change in my code. My host did have to recompile their ftp service with SSL support after my request (so I could ftpes my site). Can’t thing of anything else that would affect my SSL cert. Same thing happens on FF and IE and on

Image resize issue in PHP – gd creates ugly resized images

I am creating thumbnails of fixed height and width from my PHP script using the following function and I call this function with following parameters but the problem is the resulting image is of very poor quality, when I perform the same operation with Adobe Photo shop, it performs a good conversion.. why it is so? I am unable to
