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Tag: iis

IIS+PHP 7 +Firebird

I am trying to configure IIS+PHP 7 + firebird. IIS and PHP are working fine but when I try to connect to a firebird db it shows this message: “Could not connect to localhost: We were unable to use the Firebird database because the ibase extension for PHP is not installed. Check your PHP.ini to see how you can enable

PHP ignoring curl.cainfo setting in php.ini (apparently)

I’m trying to fix a php_curl call on a Windows server (running IIS) that is returning the familiar error “SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed”. As detailed in many related questions here, I downloaded, moved it to my server’s hard drive, and added the curl.cainfo setting to my php.ini: Nothing,

PHP PDO extension not working on IIS

I have a script which uses __autoload() to load classes (stupid, I know, this is old code I used to use for fun / testing), and it seems to be trying to autoload PDO. This leads me to believe that it’s not finding the PDO class it should be. I have checked php.ini and php_pdo.dll is enabled, along with php_pdo_mysql.dll,

Can’t save php.ini

I have PHP for FastCGI installed on Windows 7 through the Web Platform Installer. I need to edit php.ini to enable logging, but I’m not able to overwrite the existing file, apparently because …
