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Tag: http-post

Sending User input from python to php

This is my python file: This is my PHP Script: Problem my python file is not sending userdata to php script. Any help would be appreciated Thank you. Answer The problem is you are sending post data but in PHP script, you are capturing GET data. We can re-write both files like this to send POST data and capture POST

Retrieve data from CURL “-d” using PHP

This question is not about how to use CURL in PHP. But how to retrieve data that send using CURL with “-d” option. This command: curl -H ‘Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8’ -d ‘Hello, World!’ -X POST http://localhost:8080 will produce empty array in $_POST variable. Does anyone know? Thank you. Answer I think this is a header conflict. You trying to send

PHP: send request post login web site

I have this POST request to login to a website: The post request header requires the following fields: From an analysis of the post request, you notice that by sending the first cookie obtained from the website “ASP.NET_SessionId=”, you immediately get an additional authentication cookie “SSOAuth=” How can I get the second cookie “SSOAuth=” so that I can get access
