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Tag: fortify

Laravel 8.55 with Fortify showing Class ‘AppProvidersUser’ not found while login

I have installed laravel 8.55.0 and installed fortify with it for the authentication handling. Registration is working fine and login also validation is working fine. but when I enter email and password (either right or wrong) it’s displaying Class ‘AppProvidersUser’ not found I checked all files but cannot find the problem, can you guys please suggest a good solution for

Redirect to default locale if not given and fortify routes

I made a middleware to change the language of my website but now I am facing two problems, so I would like your help to solve them: when the user types for instance http://mywebiste/en/operations the site is displayed in English, but if I omit the locale on the URL a 404 page is thrown. My intention is to automatically redirect

How do I authenticate a user in Laravel 8 Jetstream only if his status is active?

I am building a Laravel 8 application and have successfully implemented authentication. Now I want to check if a user’s status is active before logging him in. I have added a field in the users table I am using JetStream and Fortify Thank You Answer You can customize user authentication from appProvidersJetStreamServiceProvider.php, on boot method : See the official Jetstream
